Friday, November 11, 2011

what i've been doing at work

I thought I would take some pictures of our printed magazine, to show you all what I've been doing at work. (The stuff I've been writing for the magazine isn't transferred to the website.)

I chose the category 'Margaritas,' chose what bars to feature, wrote the
blurbs and laid out the section.
I chose which 'Top Treatment' we would feature that particular week, and
researched and wrote up about ear candling.
(Okay so I was interviewed for this and didn't actually write or lay it out...
but I'm in the magazine!)
My first full review! With a by-line!
(Here's the byline if you didn't catch it in the other picture)
I laid out this entire page, and chose what items to feature
 and wrote every word on it!  (It was edited though, to make
sure my British slang was up to date - fyi they don't say 'frock')

I laid out this page too! And wrote the content (but not
the interview...)

I got to choose what items to showcase in 'Home Style'

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