Wednesday, August 31, 2011

getting ready

Today I started making piles of things that I will attempt to fit into a suitcase tomorrow. And tomorrow I will see if I can successfully pack for four months and keep it all under 50 pounds.

(I looked it up online - apparently no self respecting Londoner wears "tennies" unless they're en route to the gym. So my trusty Vans sneakers are staying at home.)

I got a little ambitious today and bought some scallops. And then wrapped them in bacon. And then made pasta with olive oil/garlic/pepper/basil and some roasted green beans. It was pretty good. I just need to figure out how to use less butter next time.

Since that dinner was so rich, I had some fresh Okuis strawberries (sans any sugar or cream) for dessert. I am definitely going to miss the fruit stand when I leave.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

an (un)productive day

Besides a trip to the dentist and the bank (to order some British pounds!!), I hung out with this guy all day:

And then I made my family some eggplant parmesan for dinner. I used one giant beautifully purple eggplant...

And then put some salt on it to let it sweat out all of its moisture...

And then browned the eggplant patties on the stovetop, layered it with pasta sauce, three types of cheese and basil and popped it in the oven until the sauce was bubbly and the cheese was melty.

And it was delicious.

Monday, August 22, 2011

a trip up the coast, part II

These photos are from Cameron's camera - the cool panoramic photo up top is just one of the neat things it can do!
After Morro Bay we stopped by Avila Valley Barn and saw the animals. I'm not sure if Cam has ever been that close to a cow before...
The last picture is me enjoying a watermelon honey stick, something that totally reminded me of my childhood. Also notice the amazing necklace that Cam gave me before we go abroad - I absolutely love it!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

a trip up the coast, part I

to Morro Bay!

Do you know why the large rock in the bay is called "Morro" Rock? Well, when the Spanish were sailing around, exploring the coast of California, they came upon a large mounded rock that reminded them of the helmet the Moorish soldiers were wearing at the time. Hence... Morro Rock!

At least that's what I've heard.

On our last full day together in the US, Cam and I walked around Embarcadero St. in Morro Bay. We bought (and ate) salt water taffy, I picked out some succulents and a cute pot to plant them in, and then we shared some clam chowder and fish and chips at the Hofbrau on the water. Then we hopped in the car, drove out to Morro Rock and took some pictures. On the way back home we stopped at a farmers market and bought some honey sticks to enjoy in the car (or the walk back to the car...)

some unexpected sadness

This weekend my family unexpectedly had to say goodbye to our little girl cat Lily.
I remember picking her out from the shelter when I was six years old.
It's weird to walk by the garden and not see her laying in her garden box, or to pull into the driveway and not have her greet you at the door.
Having to put a pet down is always so sad, and this whole experience has been a startling realization as to how much a part of the family Lily was.
We love you Lily.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

farmers market

Cameron came to town today on the train, and tonight we wandered around the downtown farmers market. He bought me some colorful flowers that I love, and I bought him some golden raspberries (they're white!) that he loved.

And this is Cam, by the flowers on my nightstand.

How could you not love this kid?!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

to Joy the Baker:

Thank you!
Because of Joy the Baker I decided to make this peach blueberry pie with her recipe and direction. And it turned out great! (after 2 hours of some apron-wearing / flour-on-the-floor kind of baking)

(I am super proud of my pie-crust that I somehow managed to roll out without tearing!)

Sunday, August 14, 2011


Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day. I love fruit salads, oatmeals, omelets, bacon, potatoes (hashed and homefried), coffee and juices, bagels and toast.
That being said, if given the chance I will sleep in past breakfast and usually eat my breakfast-y food around noon. Like today. While reading a book. And afterwards I went for a bike ride.

Summers are the best.

Friday, August 12, 2011

goodbyes at the deli

So today I met with my best friends for lunch to say goodbye before they leave for college up north. We've done this before, so it wouldn't have been that big of a deal, except for the fact that I'll be leaving for London at the beginning of September and won't see them until January. Yeah. Five months.

Thank goodness for Skype.

(Also: this grilled cheese and tomato sandwich was amazing.)

Thursday, August 11, 2011

salsa and sangria

Today my mom and I made five different salsas, a couple gallons of sangria and chocolate covered strawberries. My mom threw a party for her friends and I helped out.

This was how I made the blueberry salsa (based on previous experiences) : I used gloves for the jalapenos, because I nearly burned my hand off last year (figuratively) by pulling out the seeds without protection. Worst idea of my life. Also, we burned a candle to try to stop the onions from making us cry. After working in a restaurant for a year where I cut onion rings by hand almost daily, I have come to believe burning a candle burns up any of the tear-inducing fumes from onions in the air. Today's experience has me wondering if I believe it anymore. Apparently chewing gum is supposed to help as well.

The party was fun, the salsa and sangria were GREAT and I'm super proud of my crayon and sharpie drawings of the salsa ingredients. The blueberry salsa (with jalapenos, red bell pepper, red onion and lime) was my favorite!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

from the train

I just got home from another great 4 days in Newport Beach with Cameron. We stayed away from the beach to keep the sand out of Cam's ankle cast and spent the time playing cards, watching movies and hanging out with friends. And of course -- I didn't take pictures.
These pictures are from the train ride, along the Pacific on the Amtrak. It is a gorgeous ride -- I just wish it didn't take 6 hours!

on the road

After an amazing weekend in Arizona (and the roadtrip that got 7 of us there and back) this is the one picture I have to show for it. I was afraid my camera would melt in the sun/ get ruined by the pool water.

Anyway - this photo was taken on the side of I-10 in 115 degree heat at the beginning of the 4 days in AZ.

Thursday: woke up early, Lorna and I and Matt and Mitch and Mario drove to meet up with Kristine and Cameron in Irvine, drove to Palm Springs for lunch, drove to Tempe, found Jessica at her apt, CPK for dinner
Friday: slept in, drove to the Salt River, went inner-tubing down the river, went swimming back at the apt, picked up Brad at the airport, went to Scottsdale for sushi, and then I got a migraine and was out of commission for the night
Saturday: slept in, went swimming at the apt, drove about an hour for a BBQ with Kristine's aunt and uncle and cute little cousin
Sunday: woke up early, packed, dropped Brad off at the airport, got a bit lost, found the I-10, drove to Newport Beach with Cam and Mitch