Thursday, August 11, 2011

salsa and sangria

Today my mom and I made five different salsas, a couple gallons of sangria and chocolate covered strawberries. My mom threw a party for her friends and I helped out.

This was how I made the blueberry salsa (based on previous experiences) : I used gloves for the jalapenos, because I nearly burned my hand off last year (figuratively) by pulling out the seeds without protection. Worst idea of my life. Also, we burned a candle to try to stop the onions from making us cry. After working in a restaurant for a year where I cut onion rings by hand almost daily, I have come to believe burning a candle burns up any of the tear-inducing fumes from onions in the air. Today's experience has me wondering if I believe it anymore. Apparently chewing gum is supposed to help as well.

The party was fun, the salsa and sangria were GREAT and I'm super proud of my crayon and sharpie drawings of the salsa ingredients. The blueberry salsa (with jalapenos, red bell pepper, red onion and lime) was my favorite!

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