Thursday, October 6, 2011

43 harrington gardens and the cafe

Today I decided to bring my camera to class with me. I have been going to class four days a week for the past five weeks in such a stunning building —43 Harrington Gardens— and I suddenly realized that I wanted people back home to see the kind of grandeur and history that is found in the most unobtrusive brick building on a random street in central London.

The greatest wallpaper I have ever seen - can you see the
two monkeys in amongst the pomegranates?

The front door entrance from the street.

After class let out, Mary and I went to have a coffee and finish up our assigned reading at Cafe Forum on Gloucester, just down the street from Harrington. Scoop by Evelyn Waugh is a hilariously satiric look at the world of journalism from a British perspective. I definitely recommend it for anyone in journalism and to those who appreciate satire and British humour in general. (Evelyn is a man and the name is pronounced Eve-a-lin. Yet another instance of a name that has become feminine in the more recent decades, ie. Kelly, Aubrey, Stacy... )

Next Monday and Tuesday I have finals (already?!) and then I begin the internship phase of my time here in England, when I won't be spending so much time at Harrington. Instead I'll be out and about in central London!

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