Wednesday, January 4, 2012

as it stands now

See where I stood before my semester abroad with the first 'as it stands now' post.

This is where I've lived:

My building, the Crofton, on Queens Gate in South Kensington
This is was the coldest I've ever been:

Edinburgh Castle in Edinburgh, Scotland
These are my new friends:

This was my favorite UK adventure:

The White Cliffs of Dover

This was my favorite beach:

Ocata outside Barcelona, Spain
This was my favorite ceiling:

La Catedral in Granada, Spain
This was my favorite rainstorm:

Watched a rainstorm from inside the London Eye, on a great
day out with Bonnie and Jason Len, and roommate Lauryn
This was my favorite castle:

Leeds Castle, Kent

These were my favorite parks:

Kensington Gardens, London
Parc Guel, Barcelona, Spain
This was my favorite market:

La Boqueria, Barcelona, Spain

This was my favorite religious site:

La Mezquita/ La Catedral in Cordoba, Spain
This was my favorite sunset:

At La Alhambra, Granada, Spain
And this is my love:

I'm home safe and sound. Thank you to everyone who supported me and were interested in my stories and photos while I was abroad. I had an unforgettable experience with so many great people and places, it was the semester of a lifetime!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

¡Feliz Año!

Happy New Year!

In Spain, when the clock strikes midnight, it is traditional to eat one grape on each of the twelve chimes. Cameron and I bought grapes to partake but found out our grapes had seeds ... instead we just ate twelve grapes at midnight, not in time with the chimes. I'm not even sure its possible to fit twelve grapes in your mouth at one time. Anyway ... Happy new year everybody!